Friday, May 9, 2014

Tips to Improve Your Relationship # 5

41. Create realistic expectations. Share with the one you care about your
expectations for the relationship. Then as them to do the same. Then discuss
which ones might be far fetched and which ones might be closer to reality.

42. Create a warm fuzzies box or folder. Keep cards, letters, and mementoes
from your relationship in a box or folder that is easily accessible. This will help
you through those rough times.

43. Control anger. Do not let anger control you. When you feel yourself getting
anger, let your partner know what is going on for you and call a time out.
Then return to the conversation when you have had a chance to cool off.

44. Control finances. Children, sex, and finances are the top three reasons
couples get divorced. Budget together as a team. Share the burden and

45. Forgiveness. Forgive and be forgiven. No one can forget the past, but you
can stop holding it against them. Learn from the past and move on.

46. Learn to fight a good fight. Fights are not always bad things. Refrain from
name calling, putting down, and needling sensitive areas of the other person.
It ups the ante so to speak.

47. Find mentors. Look for people who exemplify the type of relationship that you
want. Ask them how they do it and see if they will help you do the same.

48. Family history. Overview each other’s family history.. Understanding leads to

49. Keep in touch. By email or phone or through notes, let each know that you
are thinking about the other throughout the day. Just a quick I’m thinking of
you will suffice.

50. No jealousy allowed. Jealousy will rip a relationship apart quicker than a
starving man on a Christmas ham. Talk about your feelings, rather then let
them brew until they turn into jealousy.


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