Friday, May 9, 2014

Tips to Improve Your Relationship # 4

31. Read a book together. It can even be the same book. One highlights in blue
the other in pink. Things shared that are important to both are in purple, now

32. Share childhood moments. Most people have moments in their childhood that
were significant to them. Take turns sharing such moments and enjoy the
closeness that it brings.

33. Share responsibilities. Help each other out and lend a hand. There is no
competition or score keeping in a relationship. It is a team effort!

34. Buck tradition, find a good fit. If one likes to do the dishes or one likes to stay
home and the other likes to work, so be it. Do not worry about what society
says one person should or should not do. Find out what works best for you,
then do it.

35. Say you’re sorry. The infamous words we long to hear and are afraid to utter.
These three words can quickly deflate any argument, especially if said in
sincerity and love.

36. Take care of yourself physically. Know when you need to take a break, get
some rest or get a bit to eat. Relationships work 100% better when both
partners are well rested and well fed.

37. Take care of yourself mentally. Everyone has a mental breaking point. Know
yours and share that point with your partner. Let them know when you need
some space and what they may need to do or not do to help you out.

38. Take care of yourself emotionally. When emotions run wild, all logic is out the
window. It is healthy to cry, to be angry, disappointed, and frustrated. Just do
not hold it all in and let it all out at the same time.

39. Face spirituality together. Often this is the one thing couples discuss last.
Whether you share beliefs with your partner or not, this is a discussion that is
a must.

40. Leave baggage behind. It is okay to share things from the past, but drudging
up old skeletons is no way to build a relationship. Leave your past behind


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