Friday, May 9, 2014

Tips to Improve Your Relationship # 2

11. Give time. Dedicate yourself to spending quality and quantity time with those
that you care about. Money is fleeting, but time can be controlled and given.

12. Avoid debates. To most issues there are two sides and never the twain shall
meet. Learn what is important and what you can agree to disagree about.

13. Remember that you’re on the same team. If you approach topics and
discussions with the thought in mind that you both have to win for one of you
to win, it will help both of you gain insight and understanding to the other.

14. Create shared traditions. Find something that you can do together that neither
one of you bring from your home. Make it just yours.

15. Use the element of surprise. A surprise kiss, card, or act of kindness can
cover a multitude of sins.

16. Laugh together. Laughing not only releases various amounts of dopamine,
but it also relives stress and create a shared moment.

17. Share emotions. Many arguments can be avoided if you share how
something made you feel with the person you care about. Feelings drive actions.

18. Cuddle time. Spend time getting close and enjoying non-demand touching. A
movie and popcorn can create great cuddle opportunities.

19. Do things just because. Do not keep score, returning good action for good
action. Do something for the one you care about just because you can,
without any strings attached.

20. Have a special greeting. Guys have special handshakes; girls often kiss
checks or hug. Find a special way to great your loved ones that show that
they are individually valued by you.


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