Friday, May 9, 2014

Tips to Improve Your Relationship # 3

21. Passion. Sex is important in a relationship. Ask your partner what turns him or
her on the most. Share fantasies. The best place to do this is NOT in the
bedroom, but while you are out for a walk or working in the yard.

22. Learn about your partner. Interview them as if you were going to write a
biography about them. Ask about their childhood, favorite teachers and the

23. Write them a letter. And mail it. Everyone loves to get mail, and everyone
loves it even more to get mail from someone they care about. Just let them
know you are thinking about them. It need not be fancy.

24. Show affection. First, ask your partner what affection is to them. There is no
right or wrong answer here. Then, try to fill that need for affection for them.

25. Tell others what you like about them. We often only share what we like about
people at their funeral after they are dead. Spend time each day sharing with
people you care about what exactly you like about them. Be specific.

26. Compliment the other person. Compliments do not build a strong relationship,
but they sure can keep it from squeaking. Be honest and be nice.

27. Find their special need and fill it. Everyone has one or two special needs that
they value more than any other need. Find out that need in your partner then
seek to be the one they can come to get it filled.

28. Be kind. Sounds simple, and obvious, but we are often kinder to strangers
than we are to those we care about because we do not want to seem rude.
Be kind to those you care about first, the others in your life can wait.

29. Find a hobby to share. Having an activity that you can share will create
shared memories and moments that can carry you through tough times.

30. Find out their love language. People try to express their love in different ways,
some by service, some by touch, and others by their words.


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