Friday, May 9, 2014

Better Health Tactics for Better Life

1. Move more. Even small movements can make tremendous amounts of
difference. Instead of using the remote, get up and change the channel.
Simple, small things make long lasting change.

2. Cut fat. Start by buying lower fat milk or trimmer meats. Those are two easy
ways to start cutting back on fat, and you will never know the difference.

3. Quit smoking. Smoking has proven to take 10 years off of your life span. By
quitting smoking you will feel better, have more energy, and loss that smokers
cough as well.

4. Reduce stress. This is a tough one and a big one for most people. Reducing
your stress means either cutting stressful situations out of your life or dealing
with stress differently. Incidentally, exercise can do both.

5. Protect yourself from pollution. If you work in a toxic environment, where
proper ventilation gear. If you live in an area with lots of ozone warnings, stay
out of the sun during the afternoon. An ounce of prevention as the say.

6. Wear you seat belt. Sounds simple, right? But a simple act of buckling a seat
belt can not only save your life, but it sends a message that you care about

7. Floss your teeth. All dentist say it, and few American do it. Flossing can really
affect not only your quality of life, but also your life span.

8. Avoid excessive drinking. A wine a day can keep the doctor away, but a keg
will move you next door to the undertaker. Binge drinking is a killer on your
liver, and on your life.

9. Stay positive. A positive outlook on life is one of the major characteristics of
healthy people. Focus on the good in life, what is going right, and let the
negative thoughts pass you by.

10. Wear sunscreen. Skin cancer can easily be avoided with just a few ounces of
sunscreen (prevention). Save yourself some heart, and skin, ache.


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