Friday, May 9, 2014

Better Health Tactics for Better Life #2

11. Baby step changes. Make small changes that you can and will do. Healthy
lifestyle changes are about what you will and won’t do, not about what you
can and cannot do.

12. Buy whole foods. Whole foods contain all the nutrients and vitamins that are
often lost during processing. They also often contain much more fiber, which
is key to weight loss.

13. Start each meal with a mixed green salad. This will not only help you get your
vegetable serving, but it will also cut you appetite and you will eat less of the
main (often calorie laden) course.

14. Avoid corn syrup. It’s the plague. Corn syrup has been linked to heart disease
and cancer. It is also a super sugar that ups your chances of becoming

15. Buy a new pillow. Many people do not realize that their lack of sleep can often
be correct by a $20 pillow. If you have to fold your pillow to keep your head up
at night, toss it.

16. Take time to stretch. Stretching not only increase blood flow through out the
body which gives you energy, it also keeps you limber and aids in the release
of serotonin (the feel good neurotransmitter).

17. Eat more fiber. Fiber makes you fill fuller as well as aids in digestion. Slowly
increase your fiber intake, do not do it all at once, of you will be sorry.

18. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is the big difference maker in life. A good nights
rest helps you to feel better the next day and when you feel better and have
less stress, you eat better as well.

19. Laugh. People who laugh for approximately 15 minutes a day tend to live
longer, healthier, and happy lives. It can also help you loose up to 4 pounds a
year, isn’t’ that a laugh?

20. Hug. The concept of the power of touch has been around for centuries. The
act of hugging provides a sense of connect and closeness that all humans
need. It is also a great stress reliever.


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