Friday, May 9, 2014

Better Health Tactics for Better Life #3

21. Eat a least three balanced meals a day. Studies show that eating at least
three balanced meals a day can curb that afternoon hunger and keep you
metabolism high.

22. Ease up on the caffeine. Too much caffeine will run your nerves raw. It also
has adverse long term affects on your brain. Moderation is the key. If you
have to have two pots of coffee a day, make sure the second one is decaf.

23. Enjoy a glass of wine. Red wine has been proven to lower risk of heart attack
and coronary disease. Studies found this to be true with a glass of wine, not a
bottle. Once again, moderation.

24. Let it all out. Have an emotional vomit session with someone. Keeping
emotions in leads to emotional eating, which leads to depressed mood, which
leads to more emotional eating…get the picture?

25. Focus on measurements, not weight. Actual weight varies from hour to hour
and day to day. What is important is one’s waist size. For example, it is more
important for a guy to have a waist size of 34 than to weight less than 200

26. Do not drink to excess. Binge drinking wreaks havoc on the liver. Alcohol is
also very high in calories. If you must drink, make it a light one, and don’t over
due it.

27. Get at least 30 minutes of activity a day. This can be walking, riding a bike,
running, playing tennis or any other number of things. Get creative, you are
probably already doing something active that you could increase the time on
(and yes, house cleaning does count).

28. Think heart rate, not sweat. The myth goes that if you break a sweat then you
are burning fat. That is not necessarily true. The true guide is your heart rate,
get it up and get it up for several minutes in a row. Now that’s a work out.

29. Find your daily rhythm. Get into a rhythm for working out or eating meals. A
healthy habit of working out first thing in the morning may be just the cure for
those afternoon drowsies.

30. Find a friend to work out with. But not a best friend. Working out with a best
friend usually ends up in more talking and less working out. Take a walk.
Getting out at least once a day to stretch your legs is great for the
cardiovascular system. It is also a great mid-day stress reliever.


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