Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Anger Management - How to Control Your Anger to Get the Most Out of Your Life Part 6


Up to this point, we've been discussing the effects of anger on your home life, but
the fact of the matter is that a lot of people lose their jobs every day because they
simply can't control their anger.

Flying off the handle at home is bad enough. Your family loves you and they're
willing to stand by you while you learn to manage your anger. But losing control at work can make your superiors begin questioning your decision-making
capabilities and you may just end up losing your job.

Before you really get angry and start venting at work, look at yourself from your
coworkers' perspective. Will they think your anger is justified, or will they just
think you're a raving lunatic? If you don't think everyone will see it your way, it
might be best just to forget about the transgression and move on.

Probably the number one reason that people get angry at work is because they
take things too personally. If your boss offers you constructive criticism or advise
about your job, it's meant to help you improve your performance. It doesn't mean
that he doesn't like you or that he doesn't appreciate your efforts. It just means
that he needs the job to be done right and he wants to show you how to do it.

The easiest way to manage your anger at work is to put yourself in the other
person's shoes before you fly off the handle. Imagine what you would feel like if
you were standing in the middle of the lunchroom and you're boss was yelling at
you in front of every one. It would feel pretty degrading.

Or imagine you need to tell someone that they aren't doing the job properly. You
wouldn't want someone telling you that you're doing a horrible job. You'd want
them to encourage you to do a better job. You wouldn't want to be treated with
such disrespect so you shouldn't treat others that way.

Fermi Mirza Alfarisi
email :
Phone/WA : 085710420922

BBM : 75B55C77


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