Friday, May 9, 2014

Better Health Tactics for Better Life #5

41. Get a check up. See the doctor at least once a year for a good ole check up.
Especially as you age this becoming increasingly important.

42. Stick to fish. Fish is the wonder meat. Lean, mean, and full of protein. It also
has the good Omega 3s that are so beneficial to our bodies.

43. The more colorful the better. This is a great rule of them whether you are
eating out or at home. The more colorful a food is, the healthier it is for you.
It’s a treat for your eyes and stomach!

44. Take time for yourself. If you meditate, do yoga, journal or pray. Spend time
each day in one of these activities. They have been proven to lower stress
and center your body and mind.

45. Exercise your brain. Read, do crosswords, or work riddles. Keeping your
brain active is one of the best things you can do to ward of Alzheimer’s.

46. Green tea is good. Green tea is the wonder drink. As little as four servings a
day can increase your metabolism and lower your stress.

47. Have a close friend to talk to. Everyone needs someone to be close to. Find
that special someone to share your life with.

48. Park farther away. The few extra steps each trip can quickly add up to miles,
which add up to pounds. A simple way to get more exercise everyday.

49. Take the stairs. If you work in a building with an elevator but only a few floors,
take the stairs instead.

50. Eat high protein foods. High protein foods will make you fuller for longer, and
will stop those hunger pangs. You’ll be less urged to eat junk food and more
inclined to eat healthier foods.


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