There are different types of anger. Different things make us angry for different reasons. Recognizing what type of anger you're experiencing will help you to control it. So before we take a look at different ways of managing your anger, let's try to define your anger first.
Behavioral Anger
People who experience behavioral anger usually confront whatever is making them
angry. And it's usually other people. This confrontation typically begins with verbal rudeness and often escalates into violence.
Chronic Anger
These people who experience chronic anger are the people who hate the world, they hate everyone in the world, they hate themselves, and they usually can't tell you why. They're fly off into temper tantrums at the drop of the hat and they're just angry all the time.
Constructive Anger
Often the result of anger management techniques, these people channel their anger in a constructive manner to get the results they want.
Deliberate Anger
Your boss might be a good example of deliberate anger. It's often used as a ploy
to control subordinates and it doesn't usually last long.
Judgmental Anger
People who experience judgmental anger often have low self-esteem and they
express their anger by putting other people down in public in an effort to try to
make themselves look better.
Overwhelming Anger
Exactly what it says. These people are so wrapped up in their anger that they
can't take it any more. They often result to destruction or violence, or even
physical violence, causing harm to themselves or someone else.
Paranoid Anger
This type of anger is totally without cause. Generally due to low self-esteem, the
person imagines that someone is against him and resorts to anger and violence to
lash back at their imagined attacker.
Passive Anger
These people typically use sarcasm or mockery as a way to express their anger
and they stay away from confrontations and conflict. Which generally makes them
even angrier with themselves for not being able to handle the object of their anger
Retaliatory Anger
Probably the most common type of anger, this occurs as a direct response to
someone else lashing out at you or doing something that makes you angry.
Self-inflicted Anger
People use this type of anger to punish themselves for something they think
they've done wrong. They may cut themselves, or overeat, or even starve
Verbal Anger
Anger that's expressed verbally, not physically. People who experience verbal
anger use insults and criticism to put people down and hurt them psychologically.
Volatile Anger
When something is volatile, it's explosive. Anger is the same way. This type of
anger can erupt out of nowhere and can be extremely violent. It often comes and
goes without any warning.
These are the most common types of anger. Do you recognize any of them in
yourself? As I said, different types of anger occur in different circumstances. And
something that made you angry yesterday may not even bother you today. But
it's important to understand the different types of anger that you may be
experiencing so you'll be able to decide how best to handle each different
still a long way to go to finish this topic, i'll make it quick :)
Fermi Mirza Alfarisi
email :
Phone/WA : 085710420922
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